The deep vascular inner layer of the skin.
Examples for "dermis "
Examples for "dermis "
1 The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin is sparsely distributed in normal human dermis .
2 Oedema in the papillary dermis was evident occasionally in all clinical groups.
3 After 12 h, fluorescence was detectable in tumor cells in deep dermis .
4 In contrast, TGFβ expression in the upper dermis was significantly attenuated following treatment.
5 The cells made all the right proteins to attach to the underlying dermis .
1 These occur as thickenings and down-growths of the epithelium into the corium .
2 The second layer is called the corium , derma cutis vera, or true skin.
3 Blood was dribbling out of the fissures between scabs of crisped corium layers.
4 They are developed over a modified portion of the corium known as the nail-bed.
5 The skin-fibre layer forms the corium and the motor organs-theskeleton and the muscular system.
1 The second layer is called the corium, derma cutis vera, or true skin.
2 The skin consists of two layers, the derma , or true skin, and the epidermis, or cuticle.
3 The derma roller, which is basically a little roller made with hundreds of super-tiny needles, is made with hundreds of even tinier needles.
4 The blastula had one layer of cells, the blastoderm ( derma = skin): the gastrula two layers, the ectoderm ("outer skin") and entoderm ("inner skin").
5 Derma Glo Skin Health Drink I drink it every morning and it's completely cleared my skin of breakouts.
6 'There's far more been replaced beneath the derma .
7 However, that result was expected to include some of the sale proceeds of its stake in Derma Sciences, which was announced last week.
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