The act of taking illegitimatly possession of something that belongs to others.
The act of stripping and taking by force.
Examples for "spoil "
Examples for "spoil "
1 However, I also strongly believe in the right to spoil your vote.
2 I wanted to spoil the party by a long way, Abbott said.
3 No way was he going to let a woman spoil the moment.
4 We should not interfere in case we spoil an official criminal investigation.
5 The only result will be to spoil the control of the aeroplane.
1 The spoliation will increase the distress; the distress will produce fresh spoliation .
2 The spoliation of Jerusalem by Titus had taken place in A.D. 70.
3 The first which presents itself is spoliation through the avenue of superstition.
4 All the causes which had produced the first spoliation would still operate.
5 I left the millions of Italy, and I find spoliation and penury.
1 Without this natural protection it became a land subject to constant attack and despoliation .
2 And this was a Dawson dance-hall, the trump card in the nightly game of despoliation .
3 It is entirely out of the track of both armies, and has completely escaped despoliation .
4 This grand achievement led to the opening of a splendid continent, teeming with riches, for Spanish adventure and despoliation .
5 What apostleship of despoliation !
1 The book laments the despoilation of the sea by pollution and overfishing.
2 Our twenty cities all have charters that protect us from complete despoilation .
3 Northland MP Winston Peters told Morning Report that the practices were creating environmental despoilation .
4 The international community is used to worrying about the despoilation of the Amazon jungle by loggers.
5 Their activities fulfil a pattern of despoilation that began with the Belgian King Leopold's brutal Congo Free State, set up in 1885.
1 At the beginning of the persecution they were passive, meekly submitting to reproach, spoilation , imprisonment, and death, for Christ's sake.
2 The claims of our citizens against Sweden, Denmark and Brazil, for spoilations of commerce, were satisfactorily consummated.
3 "Civilization is a development through blood and spoilation , " the architect remarked.
4 Mr. Alexander C. M. Pennington, as chairman of that committee, handed me the voluminous papers in reference to the French Spoilation Claims.
1 He saw the destroyer of their lives, a devil who had worked subtly for his despoilment .
2 Delacroix's picture portrays a scene in this despoilment .
3 Gunesekera's fiction often touches on loss, flight, memory, the eroding passage of time and the despoilment of ostensible paradises.
4 Then, on April 12, 1204, the invaders secured it again, and subjected it to a despoilment without parallel.
5 His victim dragged herself back to her mother's door, and, half dead with grief and fright, related the awful story of her despoilment .
6 But the high sense of justice which has always distinguished the United States in her public policies would not permit the despoilment of Mexico.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for despoilment