Results: The clearance of circulating fetal DNA occurred in 2 phases, with differentkinetics.
The cholesterol molecules present in intracellular pools also efflux with differentkinetics and by different pathways.
These differentkinetics of renal kallikrein may play some role on blood pressure elevation in SS.
Infection of Chlorella NC64A with four viruses caused rapid membrane depolarization of similar amplitudes, but with differentkinetics.
However, different recycling mechanisms for rab and Sec15p may account for the differentkinetics of polarization for these two proteins.
Rehydration of dried bacteria is a critical step already studied in starter culture but not for differentkinetics and not for pathogens.
A skin blanching assay revealed differentkinetics of the formulations, with a delayed onset of action of the Transfersome and ointment preparations.
Rapid genotyping analysis revealed the differentkinetics and mutations obtained by in vitro selection in HIV-infected cells exposed to nucleoside analogues and protease inhibitors.
We experimentally confirmed that three E1 and five E2 epitope scaffolds bound to their respective neutralizing antibodies, but with differentkinetics.
One class of KCNQ2 splice variants, those that contained exon 15a, was found to have significantly differentkinetics to those of the other isoforms.
Differentkinetics of renal kallikrein between SS and SR by salt loading might be explained by kallikrein inhibitors or abnormal kallikrein or nonkallikrein kininogenase.