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Значения термина digital comics на английском
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Использование термина digital comics на английском
LetiArts.com is an interactive video game and digitalcomics company.
The free app, which includes some free chapters, is powered by comiXology's digitalcomics platform.
Lee, 88, has big plans for what will be his first foray into digitalcomics.
If your library of digitalcomics has grown unwieldy, Comic Zeal can help clean up the mess.
Black Mask plans to plumb its heavily internetworked fan base to release physical and digitalcomics, as well as merchandise.
Sunsoft has announced that it will be launching a viewer that will allow Wii owners to download and read digitalcomics.
The unwieldy nature of the whole process made the print-comics industry feel as though digitalcomics, legit or otherwise, weren't worth the trouble.
The digitalcomics platform passed with flying colors, according to the company, as ad inventory increased by 86 percent and viewer session times extended.
It was about their choice to make their weekly print comics available as digitalcomics for the same price on the same day through ComiXology.
Comics and Marvel, built on the same Comixology platform, make digitalcomics look beautiful, but they suffer from a limited selection and lack of flexibility.
Digitalcomics look particularly good on the big, bright and brilliant screen.
Gettysburg Distress (pictured) will also be available through Marvel's DigitalComics Unlimited site.
Of special and exciting note is the inclusion of a publisher category for creator-owned comics, like on the Comixology DigitalComics Platform.
The comic books can also be downloaded in both print and digital formats through the Apple App Store and the Sony DigitalComics store.