(Used of certain religious orders) barefoot or wearing only sandals.
Examples for "unshod "
Examples for "unshod "
1 The hoofs of his horse padded softly against the dirt road, unshod .
2 And his name shall be called in Israel, the house of the unshod .
3 And they smelt sweet, as did the trampled grass beneath their unshod hoofs.
4 They were unshod Indian ponies and there were perhaps a hundred of them.
5 The natives used only unshod animals, so we recognized our men.
1 Preaching of our discalced Recollect religious in the province of Caragha.
2 The discalced Augustinians have three convents in which are six priests.
3 Our discalced , pitying their wretchedness, resolved to send five religious for that undertaking.
4 The House emptied, but the discalced legislator retained his seat.
5 Small wonder that peace reigned among the discalced Carmelites so long as Teresa ruled.
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