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Значения термина domesticated productions на английском
Значения для термина "domesticated productions" отсутствуют.
Использование термина domesticated productions на английском
On the contrary, structures which are rudimentary in the parent-species, sometimes become partially redeveloped in our domesticatedproductions.
We see the same process of extermination among our domesticatedproductions, through the selection of improved forms by man.
We will now consider, as far as we can, the causes of the almost universal variability of our domesticatedproductions.
According to our experience, abrupt and strongly marked variations occur in our domesticatedproductions, singly and at rather long intervals of time.
This does not occur, or only in a very slight degree, with our domesticatedproductions, which have long been exposed to fluctuating conditions.
Mr. Darwin writes: "All our domesticatedproductions, with the rarest exceptions, vary far more than natural species" ("Plants and Animals," &c., vol.
Nevertheless the law of compensation or balancement, which likewise depends on the economy of growth, apparently has affected to a certain extent our domesticatedproductions.
With domesticatedproductions, although their organs sometimes become rudimentary through abortion, we have no reason to suppose that this has ever followed solely from disuse.