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Значения термина dose-volume histogram на английском
Значения для термина "dose-volume histogram" отсутствуют.
Использование термина dose-volume histogram на английском
Dosimetric factors were calculated from the dose-volumehistogram for the whole heart and pericardium.
TCP models evaluated local control at 1-year follow-up as a logistic function of dose-volumehistogram data.
Three dimensional treatment planning using dose-volumehistogram analysis of the normal liver was used for all patients.
To determine whether rectal dose-volumehistogram as well as patient and treatment factors were associated with rectal toxicity.
Mean and median differences in OAR dose-volumehistogram parameters between Plan_S and Plan_L were within 3%.
A dose-volumehistogram was calculated from 5 to 40 Gy at 5 Gy intervals.
MC based radiobiological and robust optimization was made flexible to incorporate dose-volumehistogram constraints and to be independent of RBE models.
Total dose-volumehistogram parameters were computed on the 3D combined EQD2 dose based on rigid image registration.
Purpose: To report the clinical and dose-volumehistogram results of the first 47 patients accrued to a protocol of accelerated partial breast irradiation.
Conclusion: The dose-volumehistogram representation of absorbed dose to a target volume provides valuable information in assessing tumor control probability and normal tissue toxicity.
These plans were evaluated by use of a dose-volumehistogram and other commonly used radiosurgical parameters such as target coverage, homogeneity index, and conformity index.
Outlier values in the dose-volumehistogram (DVH) for PTV and organs at risk were identified by calculating inner fences based on the interquartile range.
The urethra was localized in each postimplant CT scan and a dose-volumehistogram (DVH) of the urethral dose was compiled from each CT study.
The dose-volumehistogram parameter of Vx was defined as the percentage of total organ volume receiving a radiation dose of x (Gy) or more.
D 9cc and D 3cc of the duodenum were defined as the dose-volumehistogram dose to 9 cm3 and 3 cm3, respectively, of the duodenum.
Dose-volumehistograms were generated for a typical prostate treatment using these margins.