One of several birds of the family Columbidae.
A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum.
Examples for "Columba "
Examples for "Columba "
1 St Columba 's Church is an interesting example of early 19th-century Georgian churches.
2 This was the island on which the so called Saint Columba lived.
3 The life of Columba is full of examples of this holy severity.
4 St Columba banished one from these parts, thereby guaranteeing it eternal fame.
5 He is currently engaged on a three-volume project with Columba Press.
Flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled.
Someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations.
1 Abishai exclaimed: The dove is the symbol of the people of Israel.
2 He needed work, but we dove out a bit too far there.
3 A lion in strength and might; a dove in gentleness and humility.
4 A lion in strength and power; a dove in gentleness and humility.
5 I perceive it in the air, as the dove scents the vulture.
6 Somewhere, in a back room on the second floor, a dove called.
7 Not long after the schooner's guests dove into the water, we followed.
8 Your mother is a good woman, Martin; as simple as a dove .
9 Slipping free of the last restraining line, she dove into the vehicle.
10 The moving of thy lips is like the voice of the dove .
11 Also it was said her bikini top fell off when she dove - Mr.
12 They dove into the site's online graveyard to research companies to include.
13 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and lo!
14 The return of the dove to the ark was his favourite subject.
15 Up in the ash-tree a dove perched and looked down at Bevis.
16 One was a dainty little magpie; the other a soft-eyed turtle dove .
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