The Dáil's Committee on Procedures is to discuss on Wednesday whether to penalise politicians who dressinappropriately in the House.
And if Von Schaik-Vijfschaft were to dressinappropriately for interviews or, worse still, miss an appointment, she will lose all her benefits for a month.
Speaker Hele Sauls-August held-up proceedings at the start of the SOPA, saying that EFF members were dressedinappropriately.
Her mother, Helen, 32, admits she was worried at first that Chloe was dressinginappropriately for her age.
Others who commented on her Facebook post shared similar complaints and experiences of seeing tourists dressedinappropriately near temples.
The Myanmar Medical Council suspended the medical license of Nang Mwe San in a letter to her dated June 3, saying she dressedinappropriately.
Dick is dressedinappropriately for a spot with a tasting menu, in a bad boy's white T-shirt, and sticks a hand down his pants.