Значения для термина "driving the snow" отсутствуют.
1 The wind was driving the snow before it in curious, interesting whirls.
2 The wind picked up as well, driving the snow before it.
3 The gale blew fiercely and bitingly, driving the snow in swirls and spirals before it.
4 The wind blew cold over the eastern hills, driving the snow at us like grit.
5 Why, it's driving the snow before it in sheets!
6 Then the wind came up in the afternoon, flaying the land and driving the snow into drifts.
7 A fierce and bitter cold wind swept down from the northwest, driving the snow before it in blinding gusts.
8 The wind was howling through the pines, and driving the snow in dense clouds from the highway leading through, the forest.
9 That, however, veered about, coming in fitful gusts, and driving the snow against our eyes with a force that almost blinded us.
10 "The wind was driving the snow in upon us by the shovelful," he explained.
11 "The wind is driving the snow in through the loopholes along the stair," said the woman.
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