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Значения термина dynamic organelle на английском
Значения для термина "dynamic organelle" отсутствуют.
Использование термина dynamic organelle на английском
The cell nucleus is a three-dimensional, dynamicorganelle organized into subnuclear compartments such as chromatin and nucleoli.
The Golgi apparatus is a highly dynamicorganelle whose organization is maintained by a proteinaceous matrix, cytoskeletal components, and inositol phospholipids.
This has spawned an evolution to a more contemporary view of mitochondrial function as a dynamicorganelle involved in key regulatory and cell survival processes.
Maintenance of functional mitochondria requires fusion and fission of these dynamicorganelles.
Mitochondria are dynamicorganelles that play a key role in integrating cellular signaling.
Mitochondria are dynamicorganelles with essential roles in signaling and metabolism.
Mitochondria are dynamicorganelles that undergo constant fission and fusion cycles.
Cilia are dynamicorganelles that assemble and disassemble in tight coordination with the cell cycle.
Mitochondria are dynamicorganelles that play a central role in a diverse array of metabolic processes.
Mitochondria are dynamicorganelles which adapt their morphology by fusion and fission events to the bioenergetic requirements of the cell.
Peroxisomes are ubiquitous and highly dynamicorganelles that play a central role in the metabolism of lipids and reactive oxygen species.
Mitochondria are highly dynamicorganelles that undergo permanent fusion and fission, a process that is important for mitochondrial function and cellular survival.
Mitochondria are highly dynamicorganelles undergoing constant network reorganization and exhibiting stochastic signaling events in the form of mitochondrial flashes (mitoflashes).