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Значения термина earnest supplication на английском
Значения для термина "earnest supplication" отсутствуют.
Использование термина earnest supplication на английском
Then in tender, earnestsupplication did this Christian woman offer her prayers for help.
She had just risen to follow, when she heard several voices in earnestsupplication.
He closed his eyes, and began an earnestsupplication at the throne of grace.
And a prayer rose to his lips,- aprayerof earnestsupplication for guidance and support.
No words can describe the pathos of her tones as she broke into these words of earnestsupplication.
I will only repeat my earnestsupplication to you, that, black as appearances are, you will not despair.
Cast yourself upon Him, my love; above all things, cast yourself with humble hope and earnestsupplication upon His.
He was somewhat gravelled for an answer to Alaric's earnestsupplication, and therefore made none till the request was repeated.
Seasons should be set apart for daily meditating and reasoning upon them, attended by earnestsupplication for the impressing influences of the Holy Spirit.
But let us to prayers, and may our earnestsupplications avail in turning aside the Divine displeasure.
With tears and earnestsupplications the prelate endeavored to avert or to postpone the doom which had been pronounced.
This was Sunday morning, and last Sunday he had attended St. Mary's and offered up his earnestsupplications for the unity of Christendom.
"Gracious heaven!" cried Charlotte, forgetting where she was, and raising her streaming eyes as in earnestsupplication.
The last hours of his life were spent in earnestsupplications to the Redeemer, in humble reliance upon whose atonement he yielded up the ghost.