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Значения термина eclectic list на английском
Значения для термина "eclectic list" отсутствуют.
Использование термина eclectic list на английском
And on Tuesday, a comic book was added to an eclecticlist of products marking Sheen's public meltdown.
The important point is that the films form an eclecticlist that appealed to a wide variety of demographics.
It's an eclecticlist.
There was also a prize for Aki Kaurismäki in an eclecticlist The Golden Bear at Berlin is among the film world's juiciest prizes.
In fact, just look back at the eclecticlist of lost causes French presidents have had to lumber about in over the past 30 years.
Although the government is continually clamping down on non-taxable payment and benefits for employees, there remains an eclecticlist of expenses that are tax exempt.
This year's eclecticlist of recipients for the TG4 Gradam Ceoil awards mirrors the diversity of our indigenous music although, disappointingly, not one woman features.