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In registering as a charity, the IEA declared itself to be an educationalorganisation.
We have now before us a phase of opportunity in educationalorganisation that will never recur again.
The students were doing an online course provided by Udacity, an educationalorganisation that Thrun co-founded in 2011.
Dr Douglas Vakoch is President of METI, a nonprofit research and educationalorganisation dedicated to transmitting intentional signals to nearby stars.
Photo: supplied Dr Douglas Vakoch is President of METI, a nonprofit research and educationalorganisation dedicated to transmitting intentional signals to nearby stars.
Well known for its historical, linguistic and cultural diversity, it is home to many international and educationalorganisations.
The demonstration, arranged by the Union of Students in Ireland, took place with the backing of dozens of community and educationalorganisations.
We want to create a sustained counter effort to the perpetual tendency of all educationalorganisations towards classicalism, secondary issues, and the evasion of life.
More than $500,000 is being spent the new three-year research project, which involves a host of educationalorganisations from training organisations to schools.