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Golgi complex ultrastructure is disrupted in the ffr digestive tract.
These data indicate that ffr is required for both Golgi structure and vesicular trafficking, and ultimately lipid transport.
The zebrafish fat-free (ffr) mutation was identified in a physiological screen for genes that regulate lipid metabolism.
Through positional cloning, we have identified a causative mutation in a highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed gene within the ffr locus.
Enterocyte retention of an endosomal lipid marker in ffr larvae support the idea that altered vesicle trafficking contributes to the ffr mutant defect.
The intentions are good, but FFP needs serious revision. So now what?
For Sean Paul, working with FFP gave him a sense of security.
FFP has been deemed a success in curtailing losses sustained by clubs.
What happens if a club are found guilty of an FFP breach?
Cell-derived microparticles in both LP and FFP were mostly platelet in origin.
EF-Tu receptor, abbreviated as EFR, is a pattern-recognition receptor (PRR) that binds to the prokaryotic protein EF-Tu (elongation factor thermo unstable) in Arabidopsis thaliana.
All GSM customers with compatible phones will be switched automatically to EFR.
With this new tool and a fresh eye, EFR suddenly saw the mountain's sport potential.
Multivariate analysis showed that treatment modality and compartment of origin were independent predictors of EFR.
EFR continues to be active in local development and has remained a fixture in the Tucson scene.
Beyond being on the lookout for interesting features, EFR has brought an eye for connections and lithic subtext.
Even with such differences between the two highest quality RMBS markets in Europe, AFME and EFR hope that PCS can offer a solution.
According to the company, this is one of the first European implementations of Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) technology, with no additional cost to the user.
The average Efr with a cutoff of 3,700 yielded the best 10-year graft survival in this subgroup of the 2007 UNOS cases.