A few yards away, the trees got blurred and melted into the encirclinggloom.
Amid the encirclinggloom, we seek endlessly for guiding light to lead us safely Home.
He was a young Belgian-Ernestde Burgher by name- akindlylight amidst the encirclinggloom.
But on the damp sand of the path, gleaming scarlet amid the encirclinggloom, a rounded object was visible.
The crucial difference is the length of time we will be imprisoned in Elizabeth's " encirclinggloom" of longevity.
If she had no special favorites, I think that 'Lead, Kindly Light, Amid th' EncirclingGloom' is always suitable, don't you?
As night falls our final anthem is Cardinal Newman's heartfelt prayer: Lead, kindly light, amid the encirclinggloom, lead thou me on!
And that night in the encirclinggloom on the boat as we started on our martial adventures he began kidding the ocean.
When we left her at the door of the Hotel Vouillemont, we plunged back into the encirclinggloom of the French language with real regret.
Yet on the upper Delaware, amid all the encirclinggloom, God's precious Providence and love was at no time during the Revolution more strikingly manifested.
But Mary Wollstonecraft's book is also a plea for faith in the Divinity that shapes humanity and "leads us on amid the encirclinggloom."