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Значения термина exact diagnosis на английском
Значения для термина "exact diagnosis" отсутствуют.
Использование термина exact diagnosis на английском
They don't have an exactdiagnosis is where we are.
Our diagnosis at this time was purely tentative as far as exactdiagnosis was concerned.
Detailed physical examinations and histories are extremely important for exactdiagnosis and differentials of patients with AW.
The exactdiagnosis of the enlargement is important as some gingival enlargements can cause extensive morbidity or even mortality.
As with fractures of the os pedis and the os coronæ, so with this exactdiagnosis is difficult-wemay say almost impossible.
My assessment is that she suffers from a serious mental disorder, but that at the present time I cannot give an exactdiagnosis.
Independently of the phthisis, the patient was suspected of aneurism of the aorta; but on this point the osseous symptoms rendered an exactdiagnosis impossible.
In the past, prenatal cytogenetic analysis was limited by answering times of one to three weeks and lack of exactdiagnosis of some structural abnormalities.
Investigation of antecedents showed that he was born of an exceedingly nervous mother (more exactdiagnosis not given) and that he had a feebleminded brother.
Exactdiagnosis of the underlying hepatocellular carcinoma was made for five of the 10 patients before management was attempted.