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Значения термина exchanging bows на английском
Значения для термина "exchanging bows" отсутствуют.
Использование термина exchanging bows на английском
Mr. Sabin looked searchingly around, exchangingbows with those whose faces were familiar to him.
While exchangingbows with him, I tried my best to use my Zen mind to suppress my aversion.
Chase made his way boldly to the nearest platform, exchangingbows with the surprised Von Blitz and the saturnine Rasula, who stood quite near.
Meetings on the stairs, you know, and exchangingbows and small talk. He hated those trivial conventionalities of society, in which, other people delight.
(Exit the Marquis, after exchangingbows with Raoul.)
"Where are you staying, Madge?" asked Elfreda when the two groups of girls had finished exchangingbows and smiles.