Значения для термина "exercising over" отсутствуют.
1 There's something sinister in this influence which Jasper is exercising over her.
2 She appeared, also, to take a great pride and pleasure in exercising over him, herself, a great personal control.
3 To quicken the conclusion, there were signs, too, that she well knew the influence she was exercising over him.
4 But try as he would, meanwhile, he could not shake off the spell that Leonora was exercising over him.
5 He was weighing them with a greater nicety than experienced social experts are in the habit of exercising over dinner-table talk.
6 They heard her draw two or three deep, quavering breaths; they could almost feel the tension that she was exercising over herself.
7 "Thou'lt be a mother, after all," said Sally, with a kind of admiration of the control which Ruth was exercising over herself.
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