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Значения термина expensive jewelry на английском
Значения для термина "expensive jewelry" отсутствуют.
Использование термина expensive jewelry на английском
I want his heart, not his arm... or all that expensivejewelry.
However, people are increasingly buying expensivejewelry such as engagement rings and tennis bracelets online.
Despite her highborn status, she had little use for fine clothes, expensivejewelry, and courtly manners.
Sogol, who had apparently been mistaken for a piece of expensivejewelry, was wrapped around the woman's left biceps.
He said that whenever he accepts any expensivejewelry on consignment, he keeps the identity of the original owner confidential.
They are also descending on Miami's glitzy shopping malls, buying up everything from iPads and designer clothes to expensivejewelry.
Lots of expensivejewelry.
They were gleaming, the color of the kind of expensivejewelry Luce had only seen behind glass cases at department stores.
In addition to the scroll, there were some leather cases containing various pieces of expensivejewelry and household documents of no interest.
Why were there always donors to buy expensivejewelry, but when it came to toilet paper, they had to use old newspapers?
You know how Mildred is; she doesn't care for a lot of extras, and probably wouldn't wear expensivejewelry if she had it.
One day they were walking up Fifth Avenue and stopped to look at a necklace in one of New York's most expensivejewelry stores.
The others business is engaged in manufacture and sale of clocks, retail sale of expensivejewelry, clothing, miscellaneous goods, and sale of equipment clocks.
I'd seen him around, and I knew he drove an expensive car, and when he wasn't working he wore expensivejewelry and designer clothes.
Other more surprising choices that fall in the least-desirable romantic gifts category include a shopping spree (15 percent) and expensivejewelry and accessories (10 percent).
"I didn't know your mother was rich enough to indulge in such expensivejewelry."