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Значения термина extended half на английском
Значения для термина "extended half" отсутствуют.
Использование термина extended half на английском
Antibodies with increased potency and extendedhalf-life are currently entering phase 3 trials.
The line of waiting people extendedhalf way around the Monument.
Efficacy was linked to the extendedhalf-life and lymphatic exposure conferred by attached PEG40.
Schools have closed for a two-week extendedhalf-term break and will reopen on 2 November.
Days ahead, a backbone of mountains rose and extendedhalf a thousand miles to New Crobuzon.
A corpse, as blackened as all the others, extendedhalf out of what had once been the doorway.
He sat for a minute, then got out a Snickers, broke it in two and extendedhalf to me.
The stain extendedhalf way around the leg, and showed that the cut or bruise was quite an extensive one.
The line of huts and sheds extendedhalf a mile, and several large sailing vessels were anchored at the place.
From beneath the frill extendedhalf a dozen jointed, bone-white arms, along with waving, ribbonlike appendages less easy to define.
He only extendedhalf-hearted generosity to Jay, because she was, after all, a 'bus-conductor, and to that extent a nob.
They were quickly followed by other couples, until the opposite lines of dancers extendedhalf-way down the sides of the long drawing-room.
In this study, we incorporated large branched PEG to anti-HIV peptide and obtained a conjugate with extendedhalf-life and improved in vivo efficacy.
The skin over the knee could be extendedhalf a yard, and when it retracted to its normal position it was not in folds.
Maximal antitumor efficacy required four components: a tumor-antigen-targeting antibody, a recombinant interleukin-2 with an extendedhalf-life, anti-PD-1 and a powerful T cell vaccine.
The ExtendedHalf Life (EHL) treatment is now funded and available to all eligible Australians.