Yes, if some extraneouscircumstances came to my aid.
A man who lets himself be moved by extraneouscircumstances is not his own master.
Even between this couple there may be something which, though unknown to you, depends upon extraneouscircumstances.
Johnny Sexton understands that success is where preparation and opportunity meet so he isn't distracted by extraneouscircumstances.
Not being myself conversant with those subjects, I can only form an opinion of the value from extraneouscircumstances.
Neither did he feel very safe in there; for that sentiment depends not on extraneouscircumstances but on our inward conviction.
Few persons attain pre-eminent celebrity for anything, without some adventitious and extraneouscircumstances which have nothing to do with the thing celebrated.
The reason for the mistrial declaration was not disclosed at the time, with Nelson's attorney saying only that it was due to extraneouscircumstances.
He did not publish them in any systematic order, but printed one after another, as it was written, or as extraneouscircumstances might induce.
Extraneouscircumstances are honour, money, relationship, family, friends, country, power, and other things which are understood to be of a similar kind.
"She belongs to the class of people in whom the mind has been injured by extraneouscircumstances."