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Значения термина face a rise на английском
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Использование термина face a rise на английском
If the dairy downturn is prolonged, banks will facearise in loan losses.
Irish students applying for colleges in England or Wales next year will not facearise in fees.
Whoever wins will facearise in Islamist ideology, human rights abuses and a lack of investor confidence.
Irish motorists could facearise in new car prices when a Government Bill on changes in the speed limits becomes law.
Defence Minister Jose Antonio Alonso told reporters Spanish troops could facearise in attacks now that the harsh Afghan winter was over.
According to Mr Harrison's figures, they could facearise in interest payments of $200,000 a year.
UK homebuilders also facearise in the costs of land and building materials as increasing demand exceeds supply, putting pressure on their profit margins.
Urban millennials already struggling with high house prices and student loans are about to facearise in their metropolitan brunch staple: avocado on toast.
As Irish banks facearise in bad debts and a rise in the cost of capital, Finance Correspondent, Simon Carswellquestions a bullish dividend plan.
Around 100,000 households in Northern Ireland will facearise of 28 per cent in their gas bills from next month.
The Netherlands would facearise of 50 per cent, from just under €5 billion to an estimated €7.5 billion net contribution by 2027.
This afternoon, facingarising backlash, he deleted the photo and apologised.
If the trend continues we could possibly facearising unemployment rate.
The UK is facingarising demand for sexual health and contraceptive care.
Developing nations are facingarising wave of illicit financial flows and money laundering.
Facingarising tide of scrutiny, an unapologetic Mnangagwa has vowed to 'flush out' his opponents.