Examples for "woman "
Examples for "woman "
1 Ask her,' he says gently, 'to give the young woman good advice.
2 The woman said the family had moved from the house years ago.
3 Today, for example, he had become far too involved with that woman .
4 Question: A few years ago I left my wife for another woman .
5 I do believe that particularly perhaps it's a woman 's approach to business.
1 Weapons: the klevang; the parang; the spear; the sumpitan; carried by women
2 The state argued that the law was necessary to protect women 's health.
3 Texas state officials said the law was aimed at protecting women 's health.
4 So the question remains: how long will Ireland continue to torture women ?
5 Background: Postpartum depression is a common health problem for women following childbirth.
1 But the girl really just needed independence from her current living situation.
2 Nancy said with unusual severity, 'Don't ask so many questions, my girl . '
3 The girl 's family yesterday made a public appeal for her safe return.
4 He stood up and heard the girl ask, 'Be you a-goin', zur?'
5 The girl tried unsuccessfully last year & will try again this year.
1 Find in the Glossary the meaning of: sire; knight; lady ; glens; towers.
2 Hafeez tweeted: Met an inspirational Young lady today morning at Golf course.
3 Thus why would this young lady come forward in hope of justice?
4 One lady said that the situation was 'out of control and dangerous'.
5 Charmingly bossy service from the lady of the house, and great value.
1 The lemon was squeezed; the girls left the rest in the gutter.
2 Depression in adolescent girls may result in negative consequences in young adulthood.
3 The girls came in a group in the middle of the afternoon.
4 I believe he is willing to accept girls who are quite young.
5 In manual training, girls excel in all artistic work; boys, in carpentry.
1 Results: All health risk behaviours were common among male and female adolescents.
2 These days, however, the future of crime fiction is looking fabulously female .
3 If you thought female body image was a contemporary problem, think again.
4 The operation, including 70 female officers, was intended to protect public health.
5 In the male, they are the testes; in the female , the ovaries.
1 Besides, there is another question that f want to discuss with you.
2 The market rebound also got a lift due to better expectations f
3 By law, meat plants cannot operate without USDA inspectors, so a f
4 NOTES: Flames F Freddie Hamilton saw his first action since Oct. 21.
5 The Alaska no-fly order ended today, but the Virginia-based F - 22s remain idle.
1 The fem - 3 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans is required for male development.
2 Ought be 'shamed, sending a chap thirty-thirty-thirtymilesf'r lot fem ' - fem ' - fripp-fripp -fripperies !
3 We discuss the implications of these results for the regulation and function of fem - 3 .
4 It involves IP tracking, fem - bots , fake names and much more.
5 These icons haven't forgotten how important solidarity is to continuing to see fem - cees on the mic.
1 One human female inside, flat normal to anything I can pick up.
2 The human female whimpered once and then was still, her eyes open.
3 Alloran decided you had formed some pathetic feelings for this human female .
4 A human female called him, a name he couldn't exactly understand.
5 Such a comment might have drawn an emotional response from another human female .
1 No one lives here, but this female person came in a small sailboat.
2 In answer to Mike's knock, a female person opened the door.
3 A bizarre female person admitted me to the house there.
4 Now, you'd be awful foolish to act like a mean and stiff-necked female person .
5 Well, if she was an ordinary female person that was a silly sort of thing to do.
1 There was an older female human , her mind glow blazing with welcome.
2 We drove him away, but in the confusion the female human escaped.
3 Franzi was certainly the youngest female human this nepp leader had ever seen.
4 Behind him, the female human tried to make herself as small as possible.
5 To the student of female human nature in the lower orders, surely not.
1 Increasing age and female gender were the only predictors for PEX identified.
2 Whether female gender is an independent variable for mortality still remains controversial.
3 For the little dragon had chosen a female gender for the server.
4 Younger age group and female gender had significantly greater treatment need.
5 Hyperopia risk was associated with female gender and myopia risk with older age.
1 This raises a host of financial issues specific to the fairer sex .
2 One deputation, consisting of members of the fairer sex , received even higher honors.
3 These lectures are not fashioned for the unfurnished mind of the fairer sex .
4 The moment gives me a chance to discuss Stallman's reputation vis-ý-vis the fairer sex .
5 This isn't just a woman's fight, men need to rally behind the fairer sex too.
6 Markus might have learned affection for the fairer sex .
7 The Norse gods appeared to be inept when it came to naming the fairer sex .
8 One peak, your perp is of the fairer sex .
9 He was quick to make mention of the fairer sex though, as is to be expected.
10 His heart might favor tenderness with the fairer sex , but he was not inclined to sentimental codswallop.
11 They were the fairer sex , weaker in physique but more bloody of mind than he'd ever realised.
12 Example: Since the fairer sex have (sic) now succeeded in assailing this last bastion of masculinity.
13 She seems to envisage a natural affinity between males and violence something that the fairer sex presumably escapes.
14 And the fairer sex is represented too, in offerings from Christine Green, Carol Anne Davis and Mary Scott.
15 Few of the fairer sex are, as yet, ready to serve in public office, but I believe she is.
16 But according to one designer, there is a gap in the market for vessels targeted at the fairer sex .
Other examples for "fairer sex"
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Translations for fairer sex
Fairer sex across language varieties