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Значения термина fashionable city на английском
Значения для термина "fashionable city" отсутствуют.
Использование термина fashionable city на английском
LONDON'S position as the world's most fashionablecity is attracting leading designers.
He devoted a page or two to criticism of that fashionablecity.
In the fashionablecity to-day there walk a thousand libertines.
A fashionablecity has risen at the feet of these old monks, but they regard it not.
The crowds enjoy the excuse to visit this increasingly fashionablecity, which features stacks of clubbing and dining venues.
Why should he ever live in London or any other fashionablecity if this plan of marriage could be carried out?
Let every woman remember, whether she is from the backwoods, or from the most fashionablecity house, that no such casual conversation can hurt her.
Fashionablecity life seemed to have spoiled her altogether.
It certainly sounds a more promising approach than the fashionableCity idea of splitting GSK into three companies.
Throughout 2019, the site has partnered with Frieze, hosting salons and pop-ups in tandem as the art fair travels around the world's most fashionablecities.
They're listed among the world's top 10 most fashionablecities, according to an August 2011 study by the Global Language Monitor.