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Значения термина fatal malady на английском
Значения для термина "fatal malady" отсутствуют.
Использование термина fatal malady на английском
Mr. Queed, you are afflicted with a fatalmalady.
Little wonder that, the fatalmalady, the "yellows," has blighted so many hopes!
Her mother had died of consumption: were the seeds of that fatalmalady in her child?
Again he was sharply assailed by his fatalmalady, and he returned to Paris to die.
Hardly had the ceremonies been concluded before the episcopal slanderer was struck down with a fatalmalady.
Some fatalmalady, the nature of which he did not disclose to me, was evidently sapping his strength.
Here, while pursuing his art with almost sleepless ardor, he was attacked by his fatalmalady, intestinal fever.
Only at rare intervals had it wakened in her a dull transitory pain-likethe herald of a fatalmalady.
Only in thinking I had some fatalmalady did I come to realize how much I wanted to live after all.
A fatalmalady had seized on the cardinal, whilst engaged in the conferences of the treaty, and worn by mental fatigue.
Being stricken with a fatalmalady, I here set down freely, and in the fulness of my faculties, my last wishes:
My friend, the fatalmalady that has been for so many generations connatural in our family has now claimed another victim.
Even in health my condition was helpless and forlorn; but what would become of me should this fatalmalady be contracted?
We began again as friends; and our mutual knowledge of my mother's fatalmalady softened our hearts and manners toward one another.
The letters that follow, depict the distressing anxieties which, day by day, throughout this painful interval, attended the progress of the fatalmalady.
DIPHTHERIA.- Aconcisedescription of the nature, causes, modes of prevention, and most successful mode of treatment of this now prevalent and fatalmalady.