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Значения термина feverishly restless на английском
Значения для термина "feverishly restless" отсутствуют.
Использование термина feverishly restless на английском
She felt too feverishlyrestless to be a suitable companion for Jeanie just then.
You see, I'm feverishlyrestless by temperament, and accustomed to indulge in all kinds of petty, purposeless activities.
The place was feverishlyrestless.
I hovered about the lounge for a time buying postcards and feverishlyrestless, watching the movements of the other people.
She was feverishlyrestless, constantly protruding her head to peer into the opposite wood, evidently harassed by some anxiety that preyed upon her mind.
Some whispered together and nodded and looked as solemn as tithing men; and others were feverishlyrestless and continually took papers from their graceful sleeves.