Make off with belongings of others.
1 Malvolio would walk mincingly in the sunshine there; Autolycus would filch purses.
2 But the allopaths are such mean fellows they filch all our ideas.
3 I shall perch myself there like a sacred hawk and filch her likeness.
4 If I am obliged, I would snatch them and filch them.
5 It was, indeed, an early trick of his Lordship to filch good things.
6 Why, asked the men in possession, should this shrivelled stranger filch our privileges?
7 Progress is an honest man; the ideal and the absolute do not filch pocket-handkerchiefs.
8 When she tried to filch a fry from his plate, he forked her wrist.
9 I have Decker's play by me, if you can filch anything out of it.
10 They filch away the earnings of the laboring classes.
11 Thou hast the Roman standard filch 'd away, Which they in rags of parchment did display.
12 I hate usury, nor care I to earn money for others to filch from me.
13 To anyone who seemed likely to filch a share of his limelight, Houdini was a tyrant.
14 Lucia had already suborned Georgie to leave this note, and begin to filch the Guru away.
15 It would be to filch from the city of St.-Rémi and of Clovis, of Urban II.
16 Although watched sharply they contrived to filch out articles and hand them from one to another.
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