The state of being covered with unclean things.
An offensive or indecent word or phrase.
A state characterized by foul or disgusting dirt and refuse.
Any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant.
Examples for "skank "
Examples for "skank "
1 Well, look at you wearing a fairly fresh new skank tattoo yourself.
2 The genre is built around one simple rhythmic motif called the skank .
3 I drink and rub up on girls and then go to skank .
4 Mark slips in and hunkers down, elbows pumping, starting to skank .
5 In short, Ms. Badonis is proudly on her way to not being a skank .
1 He began scraping crud out from under his nails as he spoke.
2 The plaster exploded and splayed snowballs of damp crud across the floor.
3 It was all the usual sexist crud that was directed towards Gillard.
4 I scoured some of the crud off the top of the stove.
5 You walked over in this nasty crud just for a visit, dear?
1 It shows the filth of the regime of corruption, Lopez Obrador said.
2 The invaders left it in an indescribable state of disorder and filth .
3 It felt good to see Renée laughing over a little innocent filth .
4 The houses are rather larger, and they surpass the others in filth .
5 Baptism is not the putting away of the filth of the flesh.
6 The other took it and dropped it as if it were filth .
7 A flash of light from Fujiyama awakens a glimmer in the filth .
8 Everywhere beggars were crawling over the compound in various states of filth .
9 Nothing clung to him of all the filth in which he trod.
10 The evaporating surface of this filth was more than 2000 square yards.
11 A surge of green filth and mud spread and dyed the water.
12 That was why I was here in rags and filth and wretchedness.
13 The next morning finds them yet wallowing in filth , weak and feeble.
14 I've wallowed so long in the filth that it has covered me.
15 This is the filth the German paper was not ashamed to print.
16 Ofttimes sitteth filth on the throne.-andofttimes also the throne on filth .
Другие примеры для термина "filth"
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