GROUPON'S SHARES fell 12 per cent yesterday after the online coupon provider's latest financialrestatement.
That accounting scandal was related to finite risk reinsurance contracts and led to a costly financialrestatement.
During his time with Navistar, Caton has overseen its financialrestatement and reporting process, the company site said.
The task force has been involved in scrutinizing financialrestatements and revisions, among other areas.
A series of financialrestatements followed, shaking investor faith in Nortel's prospects and triggering numerous investigations.
Last year, WageWorks had announced financialrestatements and several changes to its top executive line-up after probe into weakness in internal controls.
In 2009, GM settled accounting charges with U.S. securities regulators related to multiple financialrestatements dating back to 2000.