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Значения термина forlorn attempt на английском
Значения для термина "forlorn attempt" отсутствуют.
Использование термина forlorn attempt на английском
She conquered the rest, and made a forlornattempt to change the subject.
She had made a forlornattempt again, that morning, to dissuade him from the park adventure.
Why did he tell lies and make a forlornattempt to flee, drunk and without luggage?
Mr Gleeson told the hearing Nelligan made a " forlornattempt" to hide the plunger under his clothes.
In a forlornattempt to demonstrate a joy he cannot have felt, he threw his cap into the air.
Sound-shadows rattled the trees moments later, in a forlornattempt to catch up to the engines which had produced them.
His lone attempt as a playwright, Buchanan Dying (1974), came out of his forlornattempt to resurrect one of the most unsuccessful of 19th-century politicians.
When will economists give up their forlornattempts to measure the incommensurable?
A long silence followed, punctuated only by Monday's forlornattempts to whistle on the step outside.
He could not ride, though he made one or two forlornattempts to break his neck.
After all the American financier made several forlornattempts to recruit Moyes before finally getting his man.