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Значения термина frightful massacres на английском
Значения для термина "frightful massacres" отсутствуют.
Использование термина frightful massacres на английском
But in other places the orders were carried out, and frightfulmassacres took place.
They committed frightfulmassacres at the commencement of the Revolution.
Robespierre and other self-constituted leaders in Paris held sway for a while, and the most frightfulmassacres of nobles and priests ensued.
They landed at Antrim, when they began those frightfulmassacres which opened by driving into the sea three thousand Irish inhabitants of the island Magee.
Frightfulmassacres occurred in the parishes of Bossier, Catahoula, Saint Bernard, Grant and Orleans.
Frightfulmassacres have occurred in the parishes of Bossier, Caddo, Catahoula, Saint Bernard, Grant, and Orleans.
Frightfulmassacres have occurred in the parishes of Bossier, Caddo, Catahoula, Saint Bernard, Saint Landry, Grant, and Orleans.