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Знаете ли вы? Кликните два раза на слово, чтобы найти его в TermGallery.
Значения термина full capital на английском
Значения для термина "full capital" отсутствуют.
Использование термина full capital на английском
The chance of raising the fullcapital by the end of this week was less than 50 percent, he added.
Irish Life developed a special product for the Value Card customers which offered life assurance with a fullcapital repayment guarantee.
The sophomores recognized the timidity that some of the freshmen had in revealing their bodies, and they made fullcapital of it.
It is possible the agency could raise them again to shore up its finances, but unlikely they would cover the fullcapital shortfall.
The fullcapital, roman or italic, is larger than the other letters of the font, every letter being as high as the lower-case ascenders.
Fullcapitals may be used with full figures the width of an ordinary letter.
Are they used in the same way as fullcapitals?
Fullcapitals are much more effective and are to be preferred where the words are few.
An ordinary font of book type contains five series of letters: fullcapitals, small capitals, italic capitals (full size), roman lower-case, and italic lower-case.