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Значения термина further jobs на английском
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Использование термина further jobs на английском
North Tipperary is to lose furtherjobs after Tubex Ltd announced it is seeking 31 redundancies.
Photo: Supplied State Services Minister Chris Hipkins said there would be furtherjobs available for other applicants.
Northern Ireland received a furtherjobs boost today with the announcement of the creation of more than 600 jobs.
Eight new positions are to be created as a result, with scope for furtherjobs by the end of 2013.
A rule of thumb is that for every one job in the steel industry, four furtherjobs are created in related industries.
When Statoil left Ireland in 2006, I lost that job but was able to secure two furtherjobs in retail and publishing.
At the time it was felt that furtherjobs could be generated and that AST would bring more business to its Irish sub-contractors.
Dublin workers were hit with a furtherjobs blow today as it emerged that 81 jobs are to go at a Finglas plant.
All of the companies believe they will achieve furtherjobs growth, while about a quarter believe they will increase employment by 100 per cent.
Ireland's skills deficit putting jobs at risk and requires urgent investment if furtherjobs are not to be lost, the employers body Ibec warned today.
Consulting firm EY Ireland has opened a new innovation centre in Dublin that is set to drive the Irish business and lead to furtherjobs.
We want our world-class research outputs to contribute to the creation of furtherjobs and keep the software sector as a great resource for Ireland.
The move is expected to create furtherjobs at the Dublin office, where some support and finance functions for the new expansion will be based.
Operating costsDairygold chief executive Mr Jerry Henchy yesterday warned that the company may cut furtherjobs as part of its bid to return to profitability.
The retailer has made 73 staff redundant with immediate effect and has put 54 furtherjobs at risk within its head office.
Furtherjobs will be lost at the company's other operations at Stansted and in Scandinavia.