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Использование термина gastroduodenal ulcer на английском
Here, we report the clinical courses of three patients receiving sirolimus who developed aggressive gastroduodenalulcer disease.
Ten controls were matched to each case of gastroduodenalulcer or upper gastrointestinal bleeding by age (year of birth), sex, and index date.
Conclusion: The risk of gastroduodenalulcers or upper gastrointestinal bleeding is significantly increased in patients using spironolactone.
The authors have analyzed their experiences with using endovideosurgical technologies in surgical treatment of 67 patients with perforation of gastroduodenalulcers.
Helicobacter pylori infection and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can each result in gastroduodenalulcers and ulcer complications.
The results of treatment of 249 patients aged 15 to 78 years with perforated gastroduodenalulcers were analyzed.