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Значения термина gave renewed на английском
Значения для термина "gave renewed" отсутствуют.
Использование термина gave renewed на английском
He suddenly gaverenewed attention to wheel and levers.
On Saturday he gaverenewed signals that he did not want a return to the polls.
This gaverenewed courage to the anxious lover.
Cases like this, inexplicable to the science of the time, gaverenewed strength to the theological view.
There was no immediate response, though all five of the boys gaverenewed attention to their work.
This gaverenewed interest to placer-mining.
It took away most of the powers of the Mayor and Corporation, but gaverenewed importance to the city.
A Conor Quinn goal gaverenewed hope to the visitors but Blaine Lehart sealed the win with a 62nd-minute goal.
In the end, many Dutch concluded that Claus gaverenewed lustre to a royal family often perceived as distant, stodgy and unglamorous.
He triumphed, and the doctrine of State rights was rescued from a fatally aimed blow, and reaffirmed, gaverenewed popularity and strength to its supporters.