Значения для термина "general regret" отсутствуют.
1 This melancholy event became speedily a subject of general regret .
2 There was general regret in the academy when it was learned that Andy must leave them.
3 I shared in the general regret at the defeat of Mr. Clay and the election of Mr. Polk.
4 The ten people had finished its contents without difficulty amid general regret that it did not hold more.
5 Mr. Butler was a most obliging man, and his removal was received by the public with general regret .
6 The exceptions are, in fact, comparatively small in amount, yet they are such as must excite a general regret .
7 Among the men of other professions it is more easy to point out a few of those whose decease excited general regret .
8 In Wakefield he earned the respect of all classes; and there was general regret expressed when it became known he had to leave.
9 Padre who is attached to the Munsters, and has messed with us for the last week or so, leaves us to-morrow to our general regret .
10 General regret was felt among all patriotic Englishmen at the absence of Godwine.
11 General regret was expressed by the officers with whom he had been associated and by his old command.
12 As they went downstairs the general regretted repeatedly that he had failed to introduce the prince to his friends.
13 Edward Ramsay left Somersetshire amidst the general regrets of his parishioners and neighbours, and entered on his Edinburgh career 1st January 1824.
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