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Значения термина generates new на английском
Значения для термина "generates new" отсутствуют.
Использование термина generates new на английском
Sid also generatesnew, albeit irrational, beliefs and acts on them.
Anemic stress induces stress erythropoiesis, which rapidly generatesnew erythrocytes to restore tissue oxygenation.
Results also suggest, however, that female worker outreach generatesnew demand by fostering ideational change.
Steady-state erythropoiesis generatesnew erythrocytes at a constant rate, and it has enormous productive capacity.
This generatesnew options for automated particle analysis.
The stem cell population then continues to renew itself as it generatesnew cells for the tissue.
Getting more visitors in communities generatesnew revenue sources for local businesses, enhances culture, community identity and pride.
For example, lengthy physical separation between two groups often generatesnew species, as each group goes its own way.
Hybridization is an important source of variation; it transfers adaptive genetic variation across species boundaries and generatesnew species.
Each successful bit of automation generatesnew occupations-occupationswe would not have fantasized about without the prompting of the automation.
He spoke about how access to information helps citizens hold their own governments accountable, generatesnew ideas, encourages creativity and entrepreneurship.
After a period of unconsciousness, the great new star generatesnew living tissues, and takes its place among the angelic company.
It requires new laws-contractand maritime law, laws governing the sale and distribution of commodities-butalso generatesnew attitudes and manners.
It is money that generatesnew value added (by facilitating the introduction of new technology, to mention but one function).