The Company is a pharmaceutical specialty genericinjectables company engaged in the area of manufacturing biotechnology products.
Gland Pharma develops and manufactures genericinjectables primarily for the U.S. market, and also for India and other semi-regulated markets.
A raft of patent expiries that will stretch until 2016 is expected to drive growth in the global genericinjectables market.
Established in 1978, Gland Pharma develops and manufactures genericinjectables primarily for the US market besides for India and other semi-regulated markets.
Gland Pharma develops and manufactures genericinjectables primarily for selling in the U.S. market and also for India and some other markets.
Gland Pharma, based in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, develops and manufactures genericinjectables, primarily to sell in the United States and India.
Genericinjectables are largely seen as interchangeable, so hospitals shop by price, not brand.