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Значения термина genetic vulnerability на английском
Значения для термина "genetic vulnerability" отсутствуют.
Использование термина genetic vulnerability на английском
Around 25 percent of Europeans are thought to have this geneticvulnerability.
Conclusion: These results highlight an increased geneticvulnerability to smoking in early-onset smokers.
Background: Some of the geneticvulnerability for addiction may be mediated by impulsivity.
Conclusions: These data suggest a common geneticvulnerability to nicotine and alcohol dependence in men.
Researchers generally think that a combination of geneticvulnerability and certain environmental exposures is at work.
Evidence from genetic studies demonstrates that alcohol dependence and smoking cluster in families and have shared geneticvulnerability.
Children with a geneticvulnerability to ADHD may have hidden cognitive deficits in the absence of manifest behavioral symptoms.
Background: Previous studies that have examined genetic influences on suicidal behaviour were confounded by geneticvulnerability for psychiatric risk factors.
Recent clinical evidence supports a "double-hit" hypothesis of geneticvulnerability interacting with developmental challenges to modulate this risk.
The current study offers support to the hypothesis that the positive dimension of SPQ reflects the geneticvulnerability to schizophrenia.
The findings are consistent with the possibility that CD may be an indicator of a geneticvulnerability factor for schizophrenia.
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC-GT) has become commercially available to equip individuals with information on their geneticvulnerability to different diseases.
Background: Regional prefrontal cortex gray matter reductions have been identified in schizophrenia, likely reflecting a combination of geneticvulnerability and disease effects.
Twin data suggest that most of this geneticvulnerability is shared by individuals who are dependent on a variety of addictive substances.
Related studies in inbred rat strains raise the additional possibility that similar adaptations may contribute to individual geneticvulnerability to drug addition.
Aberrant activation of Wnt signaling has been implicated in human osteosarcoma, which may provide a geneticvulnerability that can be targeted in osteosarcoma treatment.