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Значения термина give favorable на английском
Значения для термина "give favorable" отсутствуют.
Использование термина give favorable на английском
A salesman of an encyclopedia met a prospect who refused to givefavorable attention to him and his proposition.
It is perhaps needless to say that we saw nothing of the interior; but all who have seen it givefavorable accounts of it.
Each Party shall givefavorable consideration, where appropriate, to a request from any other Party for the exchange of additional information on a reciprocal basis.
Givenfavorable circumstances, the germ-cell should be expected to be equally immortal.
Styloid process fracture has also givenfavorable results in many patients.
They all gavefavorable responses to these issues.
SunTrust Robinson Humphrey analyst John Boris said he expected stronger international sales, givenfavorable foreign exchange rates.
The contrast underlined the perception among many Spaniards that the royal family has been givenfavorable judicial treatment.
It was noticeable that few, if any, important reform measures were givenfavorable recommendation by a Senate committee.
Givesfavorable facts about the economy, though, in the long run, the country faces grave economic & social problems.
"Is the evidence you have to givefavorable to the prisoner or unfavorable?"
Judge Thomas Griffith suggested that Sullivan can scrutinize whether Flynn had been givenfavorable treatment because he is a Trump ally.
One of them, he says, "can be controlled" -lobbied by a coach into givingfavorable calls to that team.
He said he would want to renegotiate the deal because it treats the United States unfairly and givesfavorable treatment to countries like China.
The case involved a construction company that had been givingfavorable rates to some of Red Henry's cronies, then receiving no-bid contracts with the City.