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Значения термина gleamed whitely на английском
Значения для термина "gleamed whitely" отсутствуют.
Использование термина gleamed whitely на английском
Everything that could be polished shone; everything that would scrub white gleamedwhitely.
Mr. Alec Davis' tall monument gleamedwhitely through the gloom.
They gleamedwhitely, humped together in small depressions where the winds had swept them up.
Her arm gleamedwhitely in the faint light.
His teeth gleamedwhitely through his neat beard as his dark, saturnine face creased into a smile.
His eyes gleamedwhitely.
Gorman stopped pulling, leaned forward to look at Vasquez's leg Where armour, harness, and flesh had been eaten away by the acid, bone gleamedwhitely.
An exposed cheekbone gleamedwhitely, and a corner of his mouth had been eaten away, giving him a frightening, permanent rictus, a death's head grimace.