Значения для термина "glint eyes" отсутствуют.
1 The color of it leaped to the glinting eyes of the bandits.
2 His glinting eyes were almost closed and his face was red with exertion.
3 And there was murder in his wicked, little, glinting eyes at he came.
4 But the fear which looked out of those glinting eyes was terrible to behold.
5 Philip was a lithe, restless youth, with curly hair that caught the light and bright, glinting eyes .
6 Jackwell stood directly above me, and I could see his face with its glinting eyes turned toward me.
7 I was aware of his hooked nose and strange, glinting eyes almost before I turned, as he spoke.
8 His glinting eyes had a somewhat humorous expression, I thought, and he appeared very well pleased with himself.
9 He indulged in reminiscences with the New Zealand general who had a grim gift of silence, but glinting eyes .
10 Could this be Alice,-thislittle fury, white and tense, with clenched hands and glinting eyes , animal-likein her fierce protectiveness?
11 And the brown rat, interested at last, came creeping stealthily to the scarecrow's foot and looked up at her performance with cruel, glinting eyes .
12 He saw in an instant how the case was, and his glinting eyes took in the whole outfit of men and mates at one glance.
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