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Значения термина great frustration на английском
Значения для термина "great frustration" отсутствуют.
Использование термина great frustration на английском
To Modig's greatfrustration, the meeting in Ekström's office was lasting a long time.
Intimate relationships are often an area of greatfrustration and bewilderment for Nice Guys.
His limited speech is a source of greatfrustration for his otherwise nimble mind.
But to his greatfrustration, nothing worked.
It was a greatfrustration for him.'
Sir, -As a rural dweller, I have experienced greatfrustration with couriers that refuse to use Eircode.
His tenure has been marked by controversy and as the tweets reveal, seemingly greatfrustration from his side.
I felt greatfrustration for her due to the fact that the government refused her enough aid to survive.
The domin faltered and, with greatfrustration, hastily motioned to his colleague, who leaned close to whisper in his ear.
When she finally relented, the marriage was a source of greatfrustration, as her memoir recalls her husband's laziness and disappointing demeanor.
His sense of the monstrous irrationality to which he was committed completed what was begun in him by the bitterness of a greatfrustration.
Leary finds greatfrustration in submissions to the Boundary Commission, from people suddenly cut off from their own fields to those angry about shopping.
As an Irish citizen living in Australia, I've felt greatfrustration and deepening anger while following this election campaign in newspapers and on social media.
To greatfrustration to Gibson and the team, the Tahs lost six games by eight points or less and three by three points or less.
Ging expressed greatfrustration at the "filibustering" and finger-pointing by both sides that were having a serious impact on efforts to eradicate polio.
One of the greatfrustrations of overseas travel is the loose change in foreign currencies that builds up over time.