Значения для термина "great ravages" отсутствуют.
1 They commit also at these times great ravages among cattle and horses.
2 After they had committed great ravages , they retreated to their own country.
3 These birds fly in large flocks, and commit great ravages on the corn-fields.
4 Musketry and grape-shot alternated, but without committing great ravages , to tell the truth.
5 You shall not find that it makes so great ravages , even among the Dutch.'
6 Venereal disease made great ravages amongst the Maori population in the early days of colonization.
7 In 1481, cockchafers committed great ravages in the Grisons.
8 The French artillery was deadly and caused great ravages among the Germans, few officers escaping.
9 Smallpox also makes great ravages among the negro population.
10 Diseases, produced by the chalky water, want of clothing, and damp, had made great ravages in the army.
11 In both stories the boar is described as committing great ravages in the upper world until the hero attacks it.]
12 But after his committing great ravages in several of the provinces, a stop was put to the progress of this warlike prelate.
13 The name of this chief was Orellana; he belonged to a very powerful tribe which had committed great ravages in the neighbourhood of Buenos Ayres.
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