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Meanings of greatest example in английском
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Usage of greatest example in английском
It wasn't the greatestexample of a guy leaving an agency.
The last and greatestexample, the most permanent, Gaul, tells the same story.
They are the greatestexample of the weakness of unorganized force in the world.
Perhaps the greatestexample of our rogue's audacity is what I now come to.
On the other hand, America would have lost its greatestexample of the artist in politics.
The Dutch were the greatestexample of this.
Your majesty is authorized, by the greatestexample of a mother, to rejoice in a promised son.
The South-Sea project remained until 1845 the greatestexample in British history of the infatuation of the people for commercial gambling.
The party would eventually align itself closely with Marxist doctrine, and its Ten-Point Program may be the greatestexample of that.
Though the greatestexample of the universal energy, richness, stimulation, and force of democracy, he is only one example among many.
You are the greatestexample of the truth of 'he who loves and runs away will live to love another day.'
Everyone of our latter day century knew that he was the greatestexample of the megalomaniac-thepower-seekinggenius-whichthe human race had produced for decades.
When all is said, the book remains the greatestexample in literature of what absolute earnestness may make possible for a plain and untrained man.
For this reason it is that I have picked out him, amongst several others that I know of the same humour, for the greatestexample.
Brazil is the greatestexample, where a mouth-watering 14.25 percent interest rate has not yet attracted inflows big enough to halt the currency decline.
And the breakfast program is one of the greatestexamples of that.