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Значения термина habitual action на английском
Значения для термина "habitual action" отсутствуют.
Использование термина habitual action на английском
What are the moles and strawberry-marks of habitualaction, or actions remembered and thus repeated?
The habitualaction will go on of itself.
She was suppressed in busy habitualaction in which thoughts would have trouble permeating through her hardened, desiccated surface.
His mind has little habitualaction, except in a simple, natural poetry, that one not very intimate with him would never know anything about.
Here again an habitualaction had obscured a casual movement; for, as I have already said, the vision very rarely corresponds with the momentary reality.
This, I reply, is the habitualaction of the scientific mind -at least of that portion of it which applies itself to physical investigation.
He was chewing tobacco, and now he spat upon the ground, not rudely, but as performing an habitualaction in a moment of abstracted thought.
Among such habitualactions are thumb sucking, thigh rubbing, and air swallowing.
Most of the habitualactions to which we are trained are of this ideo-motor sort.
So it is with habitualactions in general.
CL: Healthy nails come from habitualactions.
Yes; but are they not also the admitted characters of habitualactions that are due to memory?
How unconsciously many habitualactions are performed, indeed not rarely in direct opposition to our conscious will!
First, the development of the embryo proceeds in an established order; so must all habitualactions based on memory.
"How unconsciously," Mr. Darwin continues, "many habitualactions are performed, indeed not rarely in direct opposition to our conscious will!