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Значения термина harsher climate на английском
Значения для термина "harsher climate" отсутствуют.
Использование термина harsher climate на английском
The harsherclimate of the northern counties was associated with a ruder, a stern, and a sparser people.
Williamson's entries for December include stories of the redwings and other birds which have arrived from the harsherclimate of the Continent.
Although noodles are enjoyed throughout China, they are particularly important in the north, where a harsherclimate prohibits the cultivation of rice crops.
But speeding up efforts to switch to clean energy and prepare vulnerable communities for harsherclimate impacts is proving frustratingly intractable, for many reasons.
Father Christophe notes that although France has a harsherclimate, it has fewer homeless people per capita who die in the street than in Tahiti.
Life's vector of progress records an increasing adaptation to harsherclimates of a cooling earth.