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Значения термина help prospective на английском
Значения для термина "help prospective" отсутствуют.
Использование термина help prospective на английском
Ugly headlines helpprospective shareholders beat sellers down on price.
In May, she launched the "Plant of my Heart" campaign, bringing together several sustainable agriculture initiatives to helpprospective home farmers.
The Samoan government says New Zealand needs to do more to helpprospective migrants to find jobs under its annual quota ballot scheme.
Supporters of a ratings system would hold institutions accountable and helpprospective students weigh the pros and cons of choosing a particular college.
The aim is to helpprospective first time buyers compare the ongoing costs of renting with those of purchasing a house and servicing a mortgage.
A cottage industry has thrived helpingprospective borrowers raise their scores without changing their underlying ability to repay a mortgage.
Whether integrated into existing ranking methodology or as a stand-alone ranking, alumni ratings should play an important role in helpingprospective students chose a college.