Airlifter series by Lockheed.
(Classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength; performed 12 immense labors to gain immortality.
Examples for "Heracles "
Examples for "Heracles "
1 The problem is solved by the sudden appearance of the deified Heracles .
2 He therefore insisted on Heracles substituting two more labours in their place.
3 The entry of Heracles practically makes the play double, marring its continuity.
4 Then Heracles went north to where the Coryneian deer took her pasture.
5 But Heracles pleaded with him, and he took her by the hand.
1 The Herakles plantation is a test case for an African industry-in-the-making.
2 It ends with the lament of the Chorus for the departure of Herakles :
3 Bœotia adopted for hers the shield of Herakles , and Macedonia that of Ares.
4 These are those Dionysos and Herakles of whom speak the old Greek authorities.
5 They found, too, the carved marble slabs that showed the labors of Herakles .
1 We managed to pull the canoe and Alcides close to the rocks.
2 There I saw Alcides rush out of the house and run toward me.
3 I asked Alcides and the other men, and pressed them for an answer.
4 To make matters worse, Alcides that day broke out in revolt.
5 Even at the distaff I recognize Alcides , whether for evil or for good.
Catalan translation by Antoni de Vilaragut i Visconti of the play by Seneca.
1 Even a statue she'd once seen of the great Hercules fell short.
2 On Friday, Czech media reported it could include several Hercules transport aircraft.
3 To capture the oxen of Geryon was the tenth labor of Hercules .
4 The combat of Hercules with the Nemæan lion was his first labor.
5 Hercules Jim said he believes the UPNG administration is stalling for time.
6 Hercules had his own way of dealing with long evenings of drinking.
7 The Hercules pavilion was mysterious; Hercules with the lion, instructive and powerful.
8 The great statue of Hercules was erected in the Capitol, and dedicated.
9 Seadrill has previously said the West Hercules was on contract with Statoil.
10 You shall sail in Hercules and I shall sail in The Flea.'
11 The following, in brief, are the twelve labors attributed to Hercules : 1.
12 She and her mother were like Hercules in the house of Admetus.
13 There is the fable of Hercules and the wagoner to confirm it.
14 Hercules remembered the unfortunate history of Doctor Frankenstein, and was not amused.
15 Omega Centauri and the Hercules cluster are especially remarkable in this respect.
16 Even this Hercules could not resist the consequences of violated natural law.
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Translations for hercules